Mar 4, 2009

Just one of those days...

Have you ever had weeks filled with days when you get home at 9PM every night because you stayed at school to grade, lesson plan, unit plan, differentiate, create assessments, meet parents, call parents, file, make copies, complete paperwork, organize, etc. etc. etc. every night for the past x amount of nights and when you get home, all you have time to do is eat, shower and sleep? You you eat, breathe, live teaching, teaching, and more teaching?

Well...this is one of those weeks for me.

But tonight, I think I'm going to make it one of those "The World Will Not End if I Leave Those Piles of Papers Ungraded/Don't Respond to that Email/Haven't Cracked My Textbook for Grad School Yet/Haven't Edited that Flyer Due Tonight" kind of nights...

I need and/or deserve it.


Tom DeRosa said...

Maybe you should consider a mental health day. You're right--the world will not end!!

Eyawn said...

This attitude is borderline necessary for me. I'm fighting for student achievement, I'll do everything I can to help my student's succeed, but at the end of the day... I'm not a superhero. It's easy to believe you ARE one, but doing so will easily make you feel like a failure. And you're not.