Apr 26, 2009

you never forget your first...

This semester I have a class at the American Museum of Natural History. At AMNH science teachers learn how to use the museum and other resources as a tool to supplement their curriculum as well as spark student interest in science. This class requires each teacher to bring students to the museum. Last Friday I conducted my very first field trip.

I took 21 of my science elective students to learn from the Climate Change exhibit. We walked to the subway from school and trained it down to 81st Street. We spent about two and a half hours satisfying our curiosities about the climate change and investigating our interests in other parts of the museum. Thankfully I had two other amazing chaperones who helped calm my nerves and keep track of my students.

Though I was on super vigilant teacher mode, I was able to enjoy myself on the field trip. It was so fulfilling to see my students excited about science! They asked so many questions and loved learning science through the visual and kinesthetic models at the museum. They all behaved beautiully, even those students who have trouble controlling themselves in class. I am so proud of my students!

I had a great experience planning this trip and seeing it come to fruition. I learned alot from this assignment and feel confident coordinating another excursion. This field trip really showed me the importance in teaching students to learn outside of the classroom.

"Miss A you're lucky we wear uniforms. If we didn't the people at the museum wouldn't believe you're the teacher."


Danielle T Duong said...

HHAHA that's a funny student quote. on the real though.

Eyawn said...

aww, that's awesome! i like this a lot. makes me want to take my kids out on a trip, but where? any suggestions? shouldn't be hard to find math connections w/ the real world, right?